Thursday November 9th we will be check the lights on the holiday wreaths. We will be meet at 9 AM behind the town hall. Last year we replaced about 195 lights and hope to pass 200 this year. The whole project takes about an hour and a half (the more people who show up the faster the work).

We will have a signup sheet at the Wednesday meetings but all are welcome to attend. They even provide free coffee and donuts.

Good community project and a good time.

Any questions see Jack Fitzgibbons at


We fixed the holiday lights for Darien,
Wreaths from boxes we were a carry’en.
Replacing bulbs, fixing bows, blowing fuses
We did our job with no excuses.

So remember well the seven elves of DMA,
Working in the cold that November day,
We ask no praise, we did our task
But next year we might bring a flask!