In a remarkable tale that intertwines history, pop culture, and the resilience of the human spirit, Bonnie Siegler and Helen Stapinski bring forth The American Way: A Story of Nazi Escape, Superman, and Marilyn Monroe. This compelling narrative delves into the extraordinary journey of Siegler’s grandfather, Jules, who fled Nazi Germany, and the unexpected connections he formed with the cultural icons of his era.

An Unlikely Connection
Jules, a furrier by trade, was living in Berlin in the 1930s when the rise of Hitler threatened his family’s existence. Sensing the impending doom, he made a daring journey to the United States in search of a sponsor who could help them escape. That sponsor turned out to be Harry Donenfeld, the man behind DC Comics and the publisher of Superman.

While Jules was securing his family’s passage to America, two young comic book creators, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, were developing the character of Superman—a hero who would go on to symbolize hope and justice during a time of global turmoil. The connection between Jules and Donenfeld was purely coincidental, yet it intertwined their fates with the rise of one of the most iconic superheroes of all time.

A Brush with Marilyn Monroe
After successfully escaping Germany, Jules settled in New York City. It was there, in the 1950s, that he inadvertently captured history on film. During the shooting of The Seven Year Itch, on the very block where he lived, Jules used his 16mm camera to record Marilyn Monroe’s famous subway grate scene. Unbeknownst to him, this amateur footage would later become the only surviving film of the original shoot—before it was recreated on a soundstage.

Survival and Legacy
Despite the horrors his family endured—many of whom perished in Nazi concentration camps—Jules managed to build a life in America. His survival was not just about escaping a war; it was about reclaiming a future. His story is a testament to the resilience of refugees and the sacrifices made to protect family.

The book The American Way sheds light on a lesser-known chapter of history, where comic books, Hollywood, and real-life heroism intersected in ways that continue to shape American culture. Siegler and Stapinski masterfully weave a story that is both deeply personal and universally relevant.

A Story That Demands to Be Told
The book is not just about Superman or Monroe—it’s about the essence of the American dream, and how those who seek refuge often become the foundation of the country’s cultural and historical fabric. Through meticulous research and intimate storytelling, Siegler and Stapinski bring to life a narrative that is at once harrowing and hopeful.

With The American Way, readers are invited to reflect on the past while recognizing the ongoing struggles of immigrants and refugees seeking safety and opportunity. In Jules’ journey, we see both the best and worst of America—the open doors and the turned backs, the opportunities and the obstacles.

Siegler and Stapinski’s work serves as a reminder that history is never as distant as it seems, and that every family has a story worth telling.


Bonnie Siegler is the founder and creative director of award-winning, multi-disciplinary, graphic design studio, Eight and a Half. The author of Dear Client, a guide for people who work with creatives, and Signs of Resistance, a visual history of protest in America, she also taught design in the graduate schools of Yale University and the School of Visual Arts for many years. She lives in Westport.  It is a story of Bonnie’s family and she did most of the research finding the threads of her family’s experience.


Helene Stapinski is the nationally bestselling author of three memoirs: Five-Finger Discount, Murder in Matera, andBaby Plays Around. She writes regularly for The New York Times; her work has also appeared in The Washington Post,New York,Travel & Leisure, and dozens of other publications. She teaches at New York University and lives in Brooklyn. Helene was the principal author to support Bonnie’s research.

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