DMA officers consist of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, and Assistant Secretary.  The officers, except for the Treasurer, serve one year terms.  The Treasurer typically serves for two years.  Terms begin on June 1 and end on May 31.

DMA officers also serve as directors on the DMA Board.  In addition there are the following members of the DMA Board:

  • There are two directors-at-large on the DMA Board and they serve for two years.  The terms are staggered such that one new one is elected each year.
  • When the term of the DMA President ends he remains on the DMA Board for two more years, which results in two past presidents being on the DMA Board.
  • The chairmen of the Membership & Hospitality, Social Events,  Community Service, and Communications Committees are directors on the DMA Board and serve as long as they remain chairmen of their committees.