The Darien Men’s Association (DMA) gathered once again  at 9 a.m. on a cold November morning to help the Darien Chamber of Commerce take the wreaths out of storage and check all the lights. They replaced over 190 lights on our town wreaths. Now the wreaths are ready to be put up on the town lamp posts to decorate our town for the Holidays. The trees on Tokeneke Road will also be lit with lights to decorate the road. The Darien Chamber of Commerce raises the annual cost to pay for the wreaths and lights in town to be placed and removed through contributions from our town merchants and residents.

Wreath MaintenanceB

From Left to Right —Lou DeAngelis,, Taylor Strubinger, Tom Williams,Tom Taylor, Jack Fitzgibbons, Alex Garnett, Joe Spain, Bob Smith, Buck Margold , Tom Brayton, , Tony Kwedar

Coffee was available

Coffee and doughnuts were available for the volunteers




Some cleanup needed to be performed by Jack our leader and coordinator.

We replaced about 190 lights

About  190 lights had to be replaced!