The Bowling Group has been one of DMA’s longest running activity groups. Some 15 bowlers attend at least a few times during the season with typical weekly attendance ranging from 6-10.  Skill levels vary but we have a handicap system much like golf so, whatever one’s skill level, we all have a good time with fun competition and lots of laughs.

Bowlers meet each Tuesday morning at 9AM at Nutmeg Bowl in Fairfield.  We are usually done with warm-up and three games by 11AM.   Also, many of us carpool.  If you’d like to join the fun, contact Tom Lom or Gehr Brown for more information.

The group meets on Tuesdays from 9:00am to 11:00am at the Nutmeg Bowl on Villa Avenue in Fairfield.

For more information, contact Tom Lom or Gehr Brown.

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