If you enjoy researching and discussing current affairs then you should join the DMA Current Affairs Discussion Group. The Current Affairs group meets on the third Thursday of each month (Sep-Jun) at 2:00 PM in the Garden Room of the DCA and on Zoom.
The structure is as follows: With input from the group, the Current Affairs Coordinator will maintain a list of potential discussion topics. At the end of each meeting, a topic and discussion leader is chosen for the next meeting. The discussion leader will (i) define and articulate the topic; (ii) assemble and have posted on the website background materials; (iii) lead the discussion. All members are encouraged to share information they find informative and relevant. The topic will be posted on this website. We are not debating so the focus is on being better informed. The discussion leader will maintain this focus and allow everyone the opportunity to summarize what they have learned from the articles and what struck them as meaningful. We hope to see you there. Mike Wheeler