Do you enjoy working with wood? Give a man some time and the proper tools and there is no telling what he may come up with. We have the tools and talent to repair an item you own or create that custom piece you need.
The DMA Woodworking Group meets at the wood shop at the Mather Center Mondays and Tuesdays, 10-12. We have the talent and tools to build or repair things made of wood.
The woodworking group is able to do all kinds of repairs so visit them if you have something made of wood that needs repairing.

Woodworking Group projects
Our Shop.
Tools are important. If you are a novice, we’ll help you use the professional quality tools in our shop. If you are an experienced woodworker, we have tools than can add to your home shop. Below is a list of the the tools that make us look good.
Table Saw
Band Saws
Grinder, Router Table
Scroll Saw, Sliding Miter Saw
Drill Press, Mortising Chisel