Category: Money Matters (Page 3 of 3)

Money Matters: Private Equity, Feb 19, 2020, 8:30

State of the Markets: The Rise of the Private Equity Industry

Bruce Lynn: Discussion Leader

About Bruce


According to a recent Financial Times article (May 2019) the number of companies owned by private equity firms (approx. 8,000) exceeds the number of public owned companies by about 2:1. Even more remarkable is that this growth has occurred in a relatively short period of time, the last 20 years.

This trend has not gone unnoticed by pension funds or other “accredited investors” that have been increasing their investments in well known (KKR, Blackstone, Carlye Group, etc.) and less well known firms among the 4,000 in the industry. According to a recent E & Y report investors have placed approx. 10% of their assets in the PE “asset class” which manages about 6 trillion of assets. Note: public companies are valued at 30trillion

As this growth has occurred, the recent WeWork debacle (i.e. PE owned company valued at 48BN fails to complete IPO even at a 9BN valuation) has brought into focus the ideas about “performance” or “ valuation” of private companies  versus their more well-known public company “cousins”.

Join your peers at DMA to learn more about staying up to date on this industry, its risks and potential rewards



Pitchbook_Ex-unicorn stocks are tanking in a post-WeWork world


McKinsey_Private equity-markets-come-of-age-Private-Markets-Review-2019

ey-Private Equity_a-new-equilibrium-report


MONEY MATTERS: Steve Ronan – Helping Companies Grow and Endure,Jan 15, 2020, 8:45-9:45 at the DCA,  

Steve Ronan of Citrin Cooperman will be our guest speaker.

Steve is an expert at 1 de-leveraging (improving cash flow) ; 2 operational efficiency; 3 automating and cross-training. He will share some client success stories. It should be a very interesting program.
Strategic planning: visioning, goal-setting, competitive analysis, strategy execution
– Growth: growth planning, sales improvement, marketing advisory
– Technology: BI and analytics, ERP, CRM, EPM, custom development strategy, selection, and implementation
– M&A: due diligence, integration, cost reduction, shared services
– Talent strategies: change management, talent development, hiring and retention, HR operations

Money Matters: Clean tech and the Green Economy, November 20, 2019, 8:45AM

Art Baron will lead a discussion on trends related to Clean Tech and the “Green Economy”.  According to Bloomberg, America’s “Green Economy” is now worth $1.3 trillion.

Clean technology is any process, product, or service that reduces negative environmental impacts through significant energy efficiency improvements, the sustainable use of resources, or environmental protection activities. Clean technology includes a broad range of technology related to recycling, renewable energy, information technology, green transportation, electric motors, green chemistry, lighting, and more.

Money Matters: October 16, 2019, 8:45

October 16  John DeSantis from Rhode Island (Civic Financial ) will present his Annual Report Trivia & Investable Trends which he has been assembling and publishing each year for 20 years. The first 20 attendees at the Sept 18 meeting will get a copy if they can attend on Oct 16.

8:45 Lilian Gade Room at the DCA


Money Matters, Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sep 18, 2019 at 8:45 at the DCA’s Lilian Gade room.

Outright gift  15k per year per person (2019)

Car/Family trip

            Help with purchase of first car

            Take kids on trip at a certain age

            Full family cruise or trip etc.

House  (Loan with provision to be paid back if divorce etc)

            Buy house and set up LLC


            Help with student loans

            Pay college directly

            Pay health care for students

            Saving strategy – 529; credit card; IRA

2nd home – transfer ownership

“Big Event” (new business/move/medical etc)

            One off decision

Host: Doug Campbell

Money Matters  Wed  May 1, 2019  8:45-9:45,  Trusts and Estates

MONEY MATTERS  Wed  May 1, 2019,  8:45-9:45  at the DCA  will focus on Trusts and Estates  2nd Floor

Gary Banks and Tom Igoe  will lead a discussion based on Leonard Leader’s Estate Planning presentation at the DCA (April 10).  Come join us and gain some more insights. Bring your thoughts and experiences.

“Money Matters”: Trusts & Estates Discussion, May 1, 2019

You need an up-to-date will and estate plan otherwise:

  • Your estate will follow the default rules in CT. So you do have a plan – but not necessarily the one you want.
  • If you don’t appoint Executor, Guardians and Trustees, the Court will.
  • Money can bring out the worst in people. I’m sure some people look down, or up, at their heirs fighting over their estate and are appalled.  There are cases where siblings never speak to each other again because of a dispute over what is fair or who was promised what.
  • People and Things that you care about may not be handled as you wish.
  • Your estate might pay more tax than necessary.
  • Must be up-to-date as laws, assets, and family needs change. Minors grow up, you and your family’s health changes, marriage/divorce, behavior, …
  • Privacy


  • Can’t be avoided entirely in CT
  • Revocable Trusts minimize what has to go through probate.
  • Estate pays fees based on total estate. $5,615 + .5% on assets in excess of $2,000,000.  Not just the assets going through probate.
  • There can be on-going fees and reporting requirements for any trust created by a will.
  • But it’s best to have the probate courts do as little as possible.

Trusts and Taxes

  • Minimize Federal taxes. The Federal deduction is portable.  That is, if you die your spouse can use both her and your Federal Estate Tax Exemption of $11.4M.  This applies even if you have no will.
  • CT Estate taxes. CT’s estate tax exemption is $3.6M.  But if you die with a tax plan, your spouse will lose your exemption.  She will still have her own.  Your missed exemption will be in her estate and taxed at 12% or $432,000!
  • To take advantage of your state tax deduction your spouse needs to “disclaim” the $3.6M into a Disclaimer Trust.
  • Family Trusts
  • Generation Skipping Trusts

Non-Tax reasons for Estate Planning

  • Asset protection. Suits, divorces, destructive behavior, …
  • Protection for descendants. In case of remarriage assets go to your descendents.
  • Special needs.
  • Special assets.
  • Charity

Types of Trusts:

  • Revocable Trust. First line trust.  Better to have assets in the trust than create it in your will to avoid probate.   Can receive income, invest as you see fit, change at any time.
  • Disclaimer Trust. Surviving spouse “disclaims” some assets to preserve CT’s exemption.  Surviving spouse has 9 months to execute.  Spouse still get benefits of the trust.
  • Marital Trust Plan. Like a Disclaimer Trust but pre-defined how it will be executed.
  • Generation Skipping Trusts.
    • Your children get interest and some principle from the trust but they don’t legally own the trust.
    • Protected from divorce, destructive behavior (drugs, gambling), rash spending, liability, .
    • Preserves Federal tax exemption indefinitely.
    • Has independent trustee


  • Each spouse can give $15,000 to anyone.
  • CHET, 529 plans


  • Executor
  • Trustee – letter
  • Guardian


All the material Len Leader handed out at the 4/10 meeting is attached to his speaking announcement.




Trustee Instruction  – Sample Letter:


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