Category: Wanderers (Page 4 of 5)

June 19, 2018: Last Wandering until September

Taylor Strubinger reports that on Tuesday, June 19, the Happy Wanderers will visit the area west of Lincoln Center.

After a short refreshment, we will continue in our effort to walk the entire Hudson River Greenway one section at a time.

This Tuesday, we will walk the Greenway from W. 74th Street to W. 34th Street.

Previously, we walked the Highline portion of the Greenway that runs from W. 34th Street to W. 12th Street.

We will be on the 8:36 a.m. train out of Darien and the 8:39 a.m. from Noroton. We will gather at the Information Booth in Grand Central Station before starting off.

Come join us.

Wander Jackson Heights, May 15, 2018

John Barston reports that David Mace will lead a wandering in Jackson Heights on Tuesday, May 15, that begins at 52nd Street and Roosevelt Avenue and ends at the Arthur Ashe Stadium. The walk is approximately 4½ miles.

For a shorter walk, there are subway stops along the way to go back to Grand Central Station.

There are 138 languages spoken here. We will start in an Irish neighborhood. Then we will pass through Korean, Thai, Tibetan, Indian, Ecuadorean and Colombian neighborhoods.

The shops are all family owned – no Gap or Polo stores. The sights, sounds and smells are what will make this wandering exciting.

Join us on the 8:36 a.m. train out of Darien or the 8:39 a.m. out of Noroton Heights.

We will gather at the Information Booth in Grand Central Station before taking the subway to Jackson Heights.

Contact: David Mace

Harlem Wandering, Tuesday April 17, 2018

Harlem Wandering, Tuesday April 17, 2018


Board the 8.58am train from Darien or the 9.02 am train from Noroton. Get off at the Harlem/125 th St Station and remain on the platform where we will congregate before we head down to street level to begin our wandering. ( Do not  head to Grand Central station).


No rain is presently forecast for Tuesday. Should this change, necessitating a postponement of our wandering, an email will go out Monday night/Tuesday morning.


Our wandering will cover the following areas:



–Mt Morris Park Historic Residential district, 120th St  environs.

— A loop from 120th St to 140 th St, Between Lenox Ave and Frederick Douglas Blvd

–Libation stop at Corner Social on Lenox around 11am

–135 th St –the birthplace of the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s to the 1930s. This period saw a burst of creative energy in Black literature, art, dance and music (Jazz)

–Visiting Harlem Hospital’s Famous WPA murals, Cotton Club and site of Savoy Ballroom

–Abyssianian Baptist Church


–Townhouses on Strivers Row


— Bill’s Place where Billie Holliday was “discovered”

–Shriner’s Music Venue, hippest music spot in Harlem today

–Lafayette Theater where the first Shakespeare play with an all black cast was performed

–Theresa Hotel

–Apollo Theater

Lunch around 1 pm at Sylvia’s “Queen of Soul Food” Restaurant at Lenox Ave  Menu:


Train back to Darien around 3 pm



Photo courtesy of Harvey Mogensen

Happy Wanderers: Staten Island, March 20, 2018

Happy Wanderers Staten Island
Joe Spain will lead the Happy Wanderers on their kick off trip this season on Tuesday, March 20 with a trip to Staten Island. Plans are to take the subway from Grand Central Station to the ferry terminal at the tip of Manhattan and then across the
lower harbor to New York’s southernmost borough. The walk will include a tour of several historic districts and a ride on the Islands transit system.


Report on Happy Wandering to
Staten Island

Following is a report by Joe Spain about the Happy Wanderers’ trip to Staten Island this past Tuesday that he had planned to deliver at our Wednesday meeting.

This account also may be of interest to any member who has never been on a wandering.

Tuesday, we boarded the 8:36 a.m. train from Darien. David Mace and Sunil Saksena jumped on at Norton Heights a few minutes later.

At Grand Central, we checked at the Information Booth for others who might have been on other cars of our train or who had come to Grand Central to rendezvous with us.

No one else appeared so we took the Lexington Avenue Express downtown to Bowling Green and walked a block to the ferry terminal.

We boarded the 10:30 a.m. ferry, the Samuel I. Newhouse, and were strolling out of the St. George Terminal on Staten Island at about 11 a.m.

We walked south toward the Government Center District, noting that several statues were there, including one of General Barrett in the Barrett Triangle. We passed by Borough Hall and the Richmond County Court House.

We took our libation break at Steiny’s Pub on Hyatt Street. From there, we walked the historic St. George’s, St. John’s Avenue and Stapleton districts.

Our walk was punctuated by the arrival of spring at 12:15 p.m. and ended at the Stapleton station of the Staten Island Railway, where, given the blustery weather, we decided to choose a restaurant close to that rail line for our luncheon stop. We proceeded by rail to the southern tip of the Island, along the Arthur Kill Channel that runs between Staten Island and New Jersey. We had a fine Italian meal at Angelina’s.

After lunch, we observed the local vistas, including the Outerbridge Crossing over the channel. We then boarded the railway for our trip back north and right into the St. George Terminal.

We took the next ferry and were graced with the photography services of a most pleasant European acupuncturist, who took our photo along the starboard side of the Andrew J. Barbieri, with, we hoped, Lady Liberty in the background.

Back in Manhattan, we boarded the Lexington Avenue subway for Grand Central and were able to make the 5:34 p.m. train for Noroton Heights and Darien.

As a side point, I should mention that the two ferries we took, while not close to being full, are the two largest in the city’s fleet.

Moreover, these two ferries, of 1981 vintage, are the two largest passenger-capacity vessels in the world, each capable of carrying 6,000 people.

NYC Christmas Light Walking Tour, Dec 12, 2017

Christmas Lights Walking Tour New York City
Taylor Strubinger will lead a walking tour of New York City’s world-famous Christmas trees and department store windows,  Tuesday, December 12, 2017.

“We will take the 8:36 a.m. train from Darien and the 8:39 a.m.train from Noroton Heights,” said Taylor. “We usually try to sit in the forward railroad cars.

“At Grand Central Station, we will gather at the information desk underneath the clock before starting out,” he said. “No reservations are necessary. If the weather is inclement, we will not go.”

Contact: Taylor Strubinger at or phone (203) 952-6423.
The Christmas trees include Rockefeller Center and Bryant Park.

Happy Wanderers: Central Park, Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Taylor Strubinger reports that the Happy Wanderers will explore Central Park on Tuesday, October 17, 2017.

We will be taking the 8:36 a.m. train from Darien and the same train from Noroton Heights at 8:39 a.m. We usually board at the front end of the train.

Everyone will gather briefly at the Information Booth underneath the clock in Grand Central Station before starting off.

The wandering will begin at West 72nd Street and Central Park West. Entering the park, we will pass the Strawberry Fields and the Sheep Meadow.

We also will see the Bethesda Fountain and the Bow Bridge. Other stops will include the puppet theater, the Shakespeare garden and the Great Lawn.

Lunch will be at a chosen location on Amsterdam Avenue or Columbus Avenue.

For questions, text, phone or email Taylor Strubinger (203) 952-6423,

Happy Wanderers — Walkway Over the Hudson River – 21 September, 2017

Happy Wanderers — Walkway Over the Hudson River – 21 September, 2017

This will be the first Wandering of our fall semester.

The Walkway, now a New York State Park, was opened by the New Haven Railroad in 1889 as a rail bridge from Poughkeepsie to Highland, NY, where it connected New England with other rail lines to the West and South. In 1974 a fire made the bridge unusable; and, until it was reconfigured in 2009 as the world’s longest pedestrian walkway, it went unused.


As you can see from the pictures, the views are spectacular.

We will carpool from the DCA to the Walkway parking area in Poughkeepsie, on Tuesday, September 19, departing at 8:45 a.m. Please gather in the back parking area, near the Greenhouse. We will set up the car pooling there, and the remaining cars will be parked there.

Driving directions will be provided for each car. For GPS users, the address of the parking area for the Walkway is 61 Parker Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY, 12601.

We expect that the driving time to the Parking Area in Poughkeepsie will be about an hour and a half. Our walk itself, including pit stops and a pause for a libation should take about two to three hours.

We then plan to go to lunch at the nearby Culinary Institute, at one of the dining places on its campus that does not require reservations. After lunch, we shall go directly home, and expect to be back at the DCA at about 4:30.

The weather is expected to be sunny, so bring a hat and some sun-block.

For questions, please call Joe Spain

Group picture of the Wandering:

Happy Wanderers: City Island, June 22, 2017

This will be the last wandering of the spring season.

We will carpool to City Island, departing from the Darien Community Association on Thursday, June 22, 2017 at 9:45 a.m.

Please gather in the back parking area near the Green House. We will set up the carpooling there and leave the empty cars in that same area.

Driving directions will be provided for each car. For GPS users, the address of the location where we will park our cars is 150 Rochelle St., Bronx, NY 10464.

City Island is part of New York City but has a small-town atmosphere. Located at the western end of Long Island Sound, the island is about a mile long, with multiple side streets leading off of City Island Avenue, the island’s main street.

Sites along the way are boatyards, scenic overlooks, yacht clubs and many other interesting neighborhoods with restaurants, gift shops and numerous nautical attractions.

Our tour of the island will take about three or four hours, with time for lunch.

The weather is supposed to be sunny, so everybody should slap on the sunblock and bring a hat. After all, it is the start of summer.

For questions, contact Joe Spain

Happy Wanderers – Fort Washington Outpost – Tuesday, June 6, 2017

EPSON scanner Image

We will be walking the Hudson River Greenway from 181st Street to 165th Street and lunch at Coogan’s Restaurant on Broadway and 164th Street. After lunch is the option to return to Grand Central via the west side subway or walk over the Highbridge to the IRT subway in the Bronx. The trip up and down for the Greenway has some steep inclines so some my be too tired after lunch.

Leader: Taylor Strubinger

Happy Wanderers – November 20, 2014
Explore the NY Highline and the newly opened section

Bill Bellis and Taylor Strubinger are leading the Happy Wanderers to explore the High Line Park in NYC on November 20th. It’s always entertaining, educational and healthy! So get your walkin’ shoes on and join them.

The High Line is a 1.45-mile-long New York City linear park built on a section of a disused New York Central Railroad spur called the West Side.

Metro North Train Schedule:

Darien station at 8 58 AM

Noroton Heights at  station 9 02 AM

Happy Wanderers go to Brooklyn on October 18, 2012

We will start at Vinegar Hill, walk through the DUMBO (Down Under Manhattan Bridge Overpass) section, and make our way to the Brooklyn Navy Yard. A museum opened at the Navy Yard last year at Building 92 that surveys the history of the Navy Yard from the Revolutionary War through the current day. All are invited.

Everybody is invited. Contact Bill Bellis for more details.

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