Former DMA member Fred Smith died on August 21, 2022 at his home in the  Lathrop Community in Easthampton, Massachusetts. Before moving to  Massachusetts in June 2019, Fred and his wife Marny chose the Memorial Garden  at First Congregational Church of Darien, where they had attended church services  for many years, as their final resting place. There are no longer any Smith children  living in Darien, but the time had come to finally bring Fred’s ashes to the garden.  Marny, together with Hobie and Chuck Smith and Fred’s stepchildren, Shep, John,  Jim, and Jennifer, and Ed Bryan all gathered on June 4th in the afternoon to spread  his ashes in the garden. A stone brick bearing his name has been placed in the  garden path. 

The family members hope that Fred’s DMA friends may find a brief moment to visit  the garden (pictured below, courtesy of Alex Garnett) to sit on the garden bench  and recall the good times they spent with Fred bowling or playing bridge.