At present the DMA has about 340 members. We have the capacity to serve up to 400 members. We are an open and welcoming organization so if you are over 50 years of age and are interested in joining or learning more about the DMA, feel free to contact Lee Morrison, Chairman of our Membership and Hospitality Committee at our general mailbox
Here is a note we received from a recent member. It speaks for many of us when we “discovered” this great organization.
This is all so exciting. About a month ago I was concerned about being bored and lonely. Last May, when I retired, I craved the chance to be bored, for once. Well, that got really old fast as I stopped learning and missed my 100’s of Street friends who suddenly… disappeared. I saw enough today to know that the DMA is the antidote to all that and I am convinced it will give my life new purpose and joy.
Thank you again for everything and I hope to see you next week.