Yale University Art Gallery

Van Gogh's The Night CafeFitz Henry Lane, Lighthouse at Camden, Maine
The Museum has collections of over 200,000 objects – Art, Sculptures, Photos, and Furniture.

Special Exhibit: A Great Crowd Had Gathered: JFK in the 1960s.

Lunch: Union League Cafe

The Union League Cafe,New Haven CTThe former home of John Sherman – a signer of Declaration of Independence, this beautiful building later served as a private club until 1940.
We will enjoy a three course luncheon with a cash bar.

Two Roads Brewery Tour

Two Roads Brewing Co.A 112 year old building transformed into brewery in Stratford, Ct.

Hour long tour of brewery and samples of beers in the company pub.

Cost: $ 60.00 per person

Departing from the DCA Parking Lot — Boarding bus starts at 9:00 am

Contact Jeff Freeman at 203-655-4786 or jeff.freeman60@yahoo.com