Mike Baker

Mike Baker

Mike Baker will be focusing on the issue of international risks facing the US , with a focus on economic espionage and cyber-security.

During a career spanning over fifteen years as a covert field operations officer for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Mike specialized in counterterrorism, counternarcotics and counterinsurgency operations. He engaged in, organized and supervised operations around the globe, working in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, the former Soviet Union and elsewhere. He was recognized professionally for outstanding performance and for operational achievements in hostile environments.

In December 2000, after leaving government service,Mike co-founded Diligence with the goal of building the premier intelligence and risk management firm. As a principal partner over the years he has worked to grow the company as it expanded around the globe, opening offices in London, New York, Washington, Moscow, Sao Paulo, Brussels and Geneva. He also worked to establish the company’s security operations in Iraq in 2003, as Diligence built a team of over 300 expat and local personnel involved in security and information collection.

Based in New York City, Mike now oversees the company’s operations and growth throughout the Americas. Diligence is a leading provider of due diligence, litigation support, investigative services and competitive/strategic intelligence to multinationals, financial institutions, law firms, governments and high net wealth individuals around the globe.

Mike is a regular contributor in the national and international media on intelligence, security and counterterrorism issues. He appears regularly on Fox News, as well as other major media outlets.

Contact: Bob Smith