Bryan will talk about Connecticut’s clean energy goals and how the Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority plays a role in financing them. As the country’s first green bank, CEFIA is attracting national attention as it provides a model for leveraging public funds to drive private investment in clean energy. By moving away from grants and subsidies and towards financing, CEFIA is earning returns for Connecticut ratepayers and creating public-private partnerships that leverage our funds at a 10 to 1 ratio to deploy clean energy at scale.

Bryan was named president of the Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority* (CEFIA) in 2011. As the nation’s first state-level clean energy finance authority – or “green bank” – Bryan oversees efforts to attract and deploy capital to finance the clean energy goals for Connecticut.

Prior to rejoining CEFIA in 2011, Bryan was program director for the Yale Center for Business and the Environment. At Yale, Bryan led efforts to develop a leading global program responsible for preparing environmental leaders for business and society. He also served as co-editor of Carbon Finance: Environmental Market Solutions to Climate Change and Carbon Finance II: Investing in Forests for Climate Protection, publications that present the opinions and experiences of leading practitioners in finance, global carbon markets, and the business of climate change.

Bryan also co-founded Earth Markets, a Connecticut company that helps to accelerate the deployment of clean energy technology in homes and businesses. Earth Markets led the Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge, a DOE-supported initiative through the Better Buildings Program. Previously he was director of energy market initiatives at CEFIA, where he created the Connecticut Clean Energy Communities Program and served as the climate change coordinator for the Governor’s Steering Committee on Climate Change.

Additionally, Bryan served as chairman of the Connecticut Green Building Council, and as a board member of SmartPower, the Clean Energy Finance Center, The Climate Group and the Connecticut Hedge Fund Association. He currently serves as Vice Chair of the Clean Energy States Alliance and Co-Chair of the Finance Working Group for the State Energy Efficiency Action Network – an EPA and DOE initiative.

Early in his career, Bryan was a Peace Corps Volunteer specializing in NGO capacity building and environmental education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in political economy of natural resources from U.C. Berkeley, masters degrees in public administration and business administration from New York University, and a Master of Environmental Management degree from Yale University.

Arranged by Martin Skala