Joshua Chamberlain

Joshua Chamberlain

Philip Vitiello, well-known Connecticut Civil War historian, will speak about Joshua Chamberlain, Medal of Honor winner for gallantry at the Battle of Gettysburg.

Philip, Program Director of the Civil War Round Table of South Central Connecticut, is both historian and re-enactor.

He majored in law enforcement administration at New Haven University and currently works as a marketing director.

Joshua Chamberlain was a soldier, a statesman and a scholar. Philip’s slide presentation reviews his journey from Bowdoin College professor to the Brevet Major General of US volunteers. In 1862 he joined the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment,  and led it in its epic stand against the Confederate attack on Little Round Top at Gettysburg, earning the Medal of Honor.

Chamberlain later became governor of Maine, and President of Bowdoin College.