Category: Current Affairs (Page 3 of 7)

Current Affairs: Universal Basic Income in Europe, June 17, 2021 10:00AM EDT

Hosts: Mike Wheeler and Mark Nunan
Note the time is 10am EDT for the Current Affairs. One hour earlier than usual. Mr. Cooke is joining us from Scotland.
June 17th   Universal Basic Income in Europe-Jamie Cooke, Head of RSA Scotland and Leading figure is in the global basic income discussion. Appearance courtesy of Ric Grefe
As the COVID19 pandemic has thrown the world into turmoil, pre-existing issues of economic insecurity, the changing nature of work, and the impact of climate change have been accelerated and deepened.  This has brought a significant challenge for the public and businesses, yet it has also opened up space to consider new ideas for changing the social contract of countries around the world.
One of these ideas to have sprung to prominence is that of a basic income, a regular, secure, and unconditional payment made to each eligible person.  Cities across the US are considering piloting examples of the policy to test its impact, and countries such as Scotland are actively exploring opportunities to introduce the idea on a national level.
Join Jamie Cooke, Head of RSA Scotland and a leading figure in the global basic income discussion to explore the history of this old idea; the reasons that it has gained such traction in recent years; and what the future might look like.  It will be an opportunity to explore your questions, reflections and critiques of basic income; and to potentially identify steps for getting involved if that is of interest.”
Mike Wheeler’s US references

Jamie Cooke’s global references



Current Affairs: COVID Update, Thursday, May 20, 2021 @ 11:00

Host: Bob Baker

Discussion Leader: Charles Salmans

On Thursday, May 20 at 11 a.m., I will lead a Current Affairs discussion on Covid — an update. We’ll address vaccine resistance and what may be required to prevent further mutations that potentially could get around the vaccines, the challenge of vaccinating people in poor, high density populations, whether a vaccine passport should be required, and what lessons have been learned so we are better prepared should another pandemic arise.


Slides from the discussion: Covid Discussion DMA Current Affairs


Updates on the latest Covid infection rates, vaccination rates, hospitalizations, and deaths are available from several sources.

Breakdowns for Connecticut, the United States, and Around the World

CDC data on vaccination rates

Wall Street Journal — US Covid metrics take a positive turn

Taking ‘Extraordinary Measures,’ Biden Backs Suspending Patents on Vaccines

The Biden administration, siding with some world leaders over the U.S. pharmaceutical industry, came out in favor of waiving intellectual property protections for coronavirus vaccines.

Can Employers Require Vaccination

Vaccine hesitancy, misinformation is just part of the problem.

“The Magic of RNA: From CRISPR to Coronavirus Vaccines.” presented by Tom Cech

Current Affairs: Understanding Modern Monetary Theory, April 15, 2021, 11:00

Host: Bob Baker

Discussion Leader: Henry Cavanna

Outline For Discussion on April 15 about Federal Debt and Deficits. Do They Matter?

I. Background of the US Budget 

II. History of National Debt and Budget Deficits 

III. Modern Monetary Theory and the Impact of Debt and Deficits


Federal Spending Charts



Current Affairs: Jim Phillips – Economic Outlook March 18, 2021

CA Host: Bob Baker

Presenter: Jim Phillips

Biden’s American Rescue Plan-Discussion Topics

What will the likely impact be for unemployment from the passage the ARP? 

The US will see improved economic growth in 2021 over 2020.  How much of the growth will be the result of the Covid relief bill?   major or minor impact?

What has been the effect on the size of the workforce due to added amounts to unemployment payments?  Has the workforce been reduced permanently?The bill includes more generous subsidies for health care under the ACA. Childcare tax benefits are for two years. Is it expected they will be made permanent, and at what cost?  

Certain business sectors most burdened by the pandemic are restaurants, travel, entertainment. What is the outlook for the recovery in these sectors?

The ARP contains $10 billion for infrastructure, an almost insignificant amount. Can we expect infrastructure proposals this year for a major amount?

What is the outlook for more regulation? Incentives for climate change? How will it be paid for?

What are expectations for tax hikes on corporate and personal income? Who will be targeted?

Will raising the corporate taxes from 21% to a likely 28% derail the recovery?

What is the likelihood of making cannabis legal at the Federal level under Biden?


2021 Economic Outlook under Biden Administration

2021 Global Economic Outlook _ Morgan Stanley 2_21

2021 stock outlook _ Fidelity

Economic outlook for 2021 _ Fidelity


Biden’s China Policy



First 100 days

Tax Hikes


Current Affairs: Vote by Mail, Oct 15, 2020, 11:00

Host: Bob Baker

Discussion Leader: John Schlachtenhafen

Where Americans Can Vote by Mail in the 2020 Elections

Where Americans Can Vote by Mail in the 2020 Elections – The New York Times

Discussion at the Darien Library with Denise Merrill, CT Secretary of State

Mail-Vote Madness in Pennsylvania

Secretaries of states caution that election results could take weeks to determine:

Testimony before the United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties. “Protecting the Right to Vote During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”


Millions of Americans are receiving absentee ballot applications from outside groups. Here’s what you need to know.
The large volume of mailed ballots expected for November’s election has raised concerns that the final result could be significantly delayed, with mailed or absentee ballots having to be verified and counted, in addition to in-person votes being tallied.
A federal judge in Texas ruled Tuesday that the state’s system of verifying signatures on mail-in ballots was unconstitutional and should be immediately corrected in advance of Election Day in November. | Fox News

Current Affairs: Income Inequality, Sept 17, 2020, 11:00

Your Host: Bob Baker

Discussion Leader: David Mace

Our current affairs group will talk about income inequality in America and what we should do about it.


Pew Survey – CA Sep 2020

The Black-White Wage Gap Is as Big as It Was in 1950

Racism’s Hidden Toll

How does income inequality affect our lives

Video recording of the discussion:



Current Affairs: “Covid-19/ Status and Decisions to be Made”, Aug 27, 2020, 11:00

Host: Bob Baker

Discussion  Leader: Charles Salmans

Main topics are:

Covid infection and death rates
Latest data and possibility of “waves” this fall and next year, as in 1918

Tradeoff between economy and quarantines
Unemployment rates and issues of income replacement
Especially hard hit — hospitality and travel, small business
K-12 Schools, colleges and universities
Only the Federal government can print money; constraints on state and local budgets
Nations (and states) that have tightened after loosening (Australia, New Zealand, California, Florida)

Challenge of testing and contract tracing

Vaccine timetable
Vaccines under development
Challenge of final approvals
Manufacturing challenge to meet worldwide demand
Vaccine roll-out and priorities?
– Health care workers
– Elderly/Nursing Homes
– Other priority job categories (Police/fire, Food industry workers, Teachers)

Covid treatment

The COvid Storm from WSJ

Covid Discussion Links Aug 2020 copy

Wall Street Journal: Lockdowns punish the economy. Months into the Covid-19 pandemic, evidence points to ways to slow the spread of the coronavirus at much lower economic cost.

New York Times: “Why are US Cases Falling? Restrictions are Working.” Charts on nationwide cases, on four states where cases have declined from their peak (Florida, Arizona, Louisiana and South Carolina), and “Where the US falls among the 10 countries with the worst outbreaks.”
Effective reproduction rate:



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