Category: Current Affairs (Page 3 of 7)

Current Affairs: Europe’s  War on Technology Companies, Bert von Stuelpnagel, Nov 19, 2021 11am

Bert von Stuelpnagel will host a discussion of  Europe’s  War on Technology companies 
Europe’s War on US Tech is motivated by at least two principal motives: The fear that American technology companies, while clearly ahead of their European rivals, do not provide sufficient privacy protection; and the widespread opinion that they do not pay their fair share of taxes, given their outsized income. The Current Affairs discussions on November 19 will ask two questions: Are these valid concerns; and should the European point of view be shared by Americans?

Recommended Reading

Google loses key appeal against 2.4 billion EU shopping antitrust case

Opinion | You Are the Object of a Secret Extraction Operation

Intelligence Squared US, Europe has Declared War on American Tech Companies, October 22, 2019


BBC London, EU Reveals Plan to Regulate Big Tech, December 15, 2020


Tax Foundation, What European OECD Countries are doing about Digital Services Taxes, March 25, 2021


Thomson Reuters, Demystifying the 2021 EU’s Value Added Taxes, August 2, 2021


Avalara, Global VAT and GST on Digital Services, undated 2021


Tax Foundation, Evaluating Proposals to Increase the Corporate Tax Rate and Levy a Minimum Tax on Corporate Book Income, February 24, 2021


SizzlingStocks Newsletter, Largest Tech Companies by Market Cap, undated (2021)


New York Times, Facebook Whistle-Blower Brings Campaign to Europe after Disclosures, October 25, 2021


New York Times, Why Europe is Hard on Big Tech, April 22, 2021


Brookings Institute, An Agenda for US-EU Cooperation on Big Tech Regulation, August 9, 2021


9to5MAC, Europe can’t agree on how to regulate tech giants like Apple or Google, October 11, 2021






Current Affairs: Income Inequality, Oct 28, 2021

October 28th at 11:30am (new date & time) Current Affairs: Income Inequality-Is it a problem? If so, what are the solutions? What are the Chinese doing to address their income inequality? Mike Wheeler will moderate the discussion. Gary Banks will argue for the proposal and Mark Nunan will argue the opposing side.

Study Materials

Based on Washington Post Series “Sharing the Wealth” and the IntelligenceSquared Debate 

“Economic inequality has become a linchpin of modern politics. As nations around the world face a reckoning on racial and social justice and work to combat the economic impacts of the pandemic, we ask: Is it time to redistribute the wealth? Should we address growing inequality by overhauling our tax system, expanding our social safety nets, and investing more in public initiatives like universal health care, education, and infrastructure? Or would a wealth transfer unduly punish the economic elite, destroy the promise of a meritocracy, and inevitably lead to excessive government intervention in our social and economic lives?” 

Washington Post Series on “Sharing the Wealth”

Backgrounder from the Council on Foreign Relations

Is Economic Inequality  Really a Problem? 

Intelligence Squared U.S. Debate:  It’s Time to Redistribute the Wealth

It’s Time to Redistribute the Wealth-Research Brief

Listen on Apple Podcasts:

Warning of Income Gap, Xi Tells China’s  Tycoons to Share Wealth

A Distorted View of Wealth Inequality

6 facts about economic inequality in the U.S. 

How the Left Exaggerates Income Inequality -WSJ

How to Distort Income Inequality-WSJ

A Bipartisan consensus on Income Inequality-WSJ

6 Policies to Combat Inequality-Center for American Progress

Income Inequality Isn’t the Problem-Hoover Institution 

Fixing Income Inequality-Hoover Institution 

Middle-Class Pay Lost Pace-Is Washington the Blame-New York Times 

This Viral Video is Right: We Need to Worry About Income Inequality

Corporate Revenue Keeps Shrinking-Scott Galloway

Americans know Wealth inequity is a problem, but what does it look like? 

The Problem with the Peloton Economy

Why Do People Tolerate Wealth Inequality? 


Postponed: February 17, 2022 at 11am Current Affairs: Ric Grefé leads an interactive design session on Immigration

February 17th  at 11am: Reimagining immigration policies. Ric Grefé will lead an interactive workshop using design thinking techniques to capture observations and ideas from all those attending. Participants will need to see the problem from many perspectives. According to the Interactive Design Foundation, design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand situations,  challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. The session will last 1.5 hours.

September 16th at 11am Current Affairs: Real Life as a Palestinian-Has America gotten this one right or wrong? As a successful international lawyer, some two decades ago, David Maloof asked: “How could he make the biggest difference in this life. He decided that the biggest challenge he could undertake was to try to solve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

Real Life as a Palestinian-Has America gotten this one right or wrong?  David Maloof will moderate the discussion.

  1. Background

I am pleased to lead an in-house conversation on “Real Life as a Palestinian: Has America Gotten This Right or Wrong?” on September 16th  from 11am-12 noon.

To save on time, let me start by providing my personal vantage point.

As a successful international lawyer, some two decades ago I asked: how could I make the biggest difference in this life?  I decided that the biggest challenge I could undertake was to try to solve Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

I then undertook the following tasks, among others:

1.  Visiting Palestinian refugee camps in the West Bank and Lebanon to participate in real life; funding recreational facilities and a basketball court at a Palestinian refugee camp; serving on the national board of a Christian organization (“Churches for Middle East Peace”) dedicated to this cause, still a member; taking out a ½ page ad in the New York Times; paying for highway billboards; attending international Jewish organization’s peace conferences and lecturing on college campuses about my experiences; reviewing legal brief for US peace activist NGO.

2. Meeting with Middle East Christian Leaders; Palestinian leaders in Ramallah; Chief Palestinian negotiator (Saeb           Erekat) and Palestinian and Arab leaders and ambassadors in Washington and London; Israeli Foreign Ministry in Tel Aviv; members of Knesset in Tel Aviv; Israeli Settlement leaders; and Israeli media elite.

3. Meetings with US Senators, their staffs, and officials in the State Department; meeting with National Security Council Staff in the Obama White House; meeting with US Consul General in Jerusalem; providing informational documentaries to the same National Security Staff; meeting with George Mitchell, U.S. peace envoy.

4. Interacting with US media to place Palestinian peacemakers on US television and radio programs, such as CNN International and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (2009).

5. Arranged for the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, to directly address the American people in English on a college campus (The Cooper Union) and call for peace (September 22, 2014).

Notes on the parameters of the September 16, 2021 discussion given the potential breadth of the topic and the limited time:

1. I would like to hew closely to the subject of: “Real Life for a Palestinian.”

2. I suggest that given time restraints we avoid discussion of historical events and try to stick to the current situation in 2020-2021.

3. I suggest that it would also probably be useful to focus on current living conditions in 2020 and 2021 in Palestine and in Israel.

4. suggest that we should focus more on current and possible future US policies than past ones.


 I suggest that you might go online and watch some of the two following media:

1. “John Oliver – Last Week Tonight” Israel v. Palestine (5/17/21)

2. “Budrus” (2009) (1 hour, 22 minutes)

3. “Five Broken Cameras” (2011). (Nominated for an Academy Award in 2013 for “Best Documentary.”) (1 hour, 34 minutes)

4. “The Daily Show” (guest Mustafa Barghouti) (2009)

5. Anna Balzer, “Life in Occupied Palestine.” (2008)

6. Written Materials

I also suggest reading some of the following written materials:

Daily Life/Human Rights in Israel

  1. B’Tselem, “A Regime of Jewish Supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is Apartheid,” (2021)
  2. B’Tselem, “This is Apartheid,” (2021)
  3. Human Rights Watch, “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution,” (2021)
  4. Amnesty International, “Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories 2020” (2020)

Treatment of Children in Palestine

  1. UNICEF, “The Situation of Palestinian Children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon,” (2010)
  2. Human Rights Watch, “Second Class: Discrimination against Palestinian Arab Children in Israel’s Schools,” (2001)

Life in Gaza in 2020-2021

 1. Ghalayini, Basama, “A Gazan’s View on Hamas: It’s Not Complicated,” (2021)

2. Save the Children, “Denial of Healthcare outside Gaza Is a Death Sentence for Children,” (2020),’Denial%20of%20healthcare%20outside%20Gaza%20is%20a%20death,for%20children’%3A%20Save%20the%20Children&text=Children%20in%20Gaza%20are%20dying,Save%20the%20Children%20is%20warning

3. Al Jazeera, “‘Staggering’: WHO Says 200,000 Palestinians in Need of Health Aid,” (2021)

4. BBC, “Israel-Gaza Violence: The Conflict Explained,” (2021)’s%20been%20agreed%20between,240%20people%20have%20been%20killed.&text=Israel%20and%20Hamas%20both%20claimed%20victory%20in%20the%20latest%20conflict

5. Conley, Julia, “This Is the Price of War,” (2021)

6. Balousha, Hazem and Berger, Miriam, “The U.N. Once Predicted Gaza Would be ‘Uninhabitable’ by 2020.  Two Million People Still Live There,” (2020)

7. Hearst, David, “Gaza 2020: How Easy It Is for the World to Delete Palestinian Pain,” (2019)

8. Kuttab, Jonathan, “Israel Has Effective Control over Gaza,” (2020)

9.  Mahmoud, “Speech at The Cooper Union: Rethink Palestine,” (2014)


a.The Electric Typewriter, “8 Great Articles about Israel/Palestine” (2019)

b. Foote, Jilliam, Jensen, Kristen, and Wintz Neighbor, Tese, “Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Resource Packet for Educators” (2009)


Current Affairs: June 17th Universal Basic Income in Europe-Jamie Cooke, Head of RSA Scotland and Leading figure is in the global basic income discussion. Appearance courtesy of Ric Grefe Time: Jun 17, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Hosts: Mike Wheeler and Mark Nunan
Note the time is 10am EDT for the Current Affairs. One hour earlier than usual. Mr. Cooke is joining us from Scotland.
June 17th   Universal Basic Income in Europe-Jamie Cooke, Head of RSA Scotland and Leading figure is in the global basic income discussion. Appearance courtesy of Ric Grefe
As the COVID19 pandemic has thrown the world into turmoil, pre-existing issues of economic insecurity, the changing nature of work, and the impact of climate change have been accelerated and deepened.  This has brought a significant challenge for the public and businesses, yet it has also opened up space to consider new ideas for changing the social contract of countries around the world.
One of these ideas to have sprung to prominence is that of a basic income, a regular, secure, and unconditional payment made to each eligible person.  Cities across the US are considering piloting examples of the policy to test its impact, and countries such as Scotland are actively exploring opportunities to introduce the idea on a national level.
Join Jamie Cooke, Head of RSA Scotland and a leading figure in the global basic income discussion to explore the history of this old idea; the reasons that it has gained such traction in recent years; and what the future might look like.  It will be an opportunity to explore your questions, reflections and critiques of basic income; and to potentially identify steps for getting involved if that is of interest.”
Jamie Cooke’s global references
Mike Wheeler’s US references

Link to Famie’s presentation:



Current Affairs: Universal Basic Income in Europe, June 17, 2021 10:00AM EDT

Hosts: Mike Wheeler and Mark Nunan
Note the time is 10am EDT for the Current Affairs. One hour earlier than usual. Mr. Cooke is joining us from Scotland.
June 17th   Universal Basic Income in Europe-Jamie Cooke, Head of RSA Scotland and Leading figure is in the global basic income discussion. Appearance courtesy of Ric Grefe
As the COVID19 pandemic has thrown the world into turmoil, pre-existing issues of economic insecurity, the changing nature of work, and the impact of climate change have been accelerated and deepened.  This has brought a significant challenge for the public and businesses, yet it has also opened up space to consider new ideas for changing the social contract of countries around the world.
One of these ideas to have sprung to prominence is that of a basic income, a regular, secure, and unconditional payment made to each eligible person.  Cities across the US are considering piloting examples of the policy to test its impact, and countries such as Scotland are actively exploring opportunities to introduce the idea on a national level.
Join Jamie Cooke, Head of RSA Scotland and a leading figure in the global basic income discussion to explore the history of this old idea; the reasons that it has gained such traction in recent years; and what the future might look like.  It will be an opportunity to explore your questions, reflections and critiques of basic income; and to potentially identify steps for getting involved if that is of interest.”
Mike Wheeler’s US references

Jamie Cooke’s global references



Current Affairs: COVID Update, Thursday, May 20, 2021 @ 11:00

Host: Bob Baker

Discussion Leader: Charles Salmans

On Thursday, May 20 at 11 a.m., I will lead a Current Affairs discussion on Covid — an update. We’ll address vaccine resistance and what may be required to prevent further mutations that potentially could get around the vaccines, the challenge of vaccinating people in poor, high density populations, whether a vaccine passport should be required, and what lessons have been learned so we are better prepared should another pandemic arise.


Slides from the discussion: Covid Discussion DMA Current Affairs


Updates on the latest Covid infection rates, vaccination rates, hospitalizations, and deaths are available from several sources.

Breakdowns for Connecticut, the United States, and Around the World

CDC data on vaccination rates

Wall Street Journal — US Covid metrics take a positive turn

Taking ‘Extraordinary Measures,’ Biden Backs Suspending Patents on Vaccines

The Biden administration, siding with some world leaders over the U.S. pharmaceutical industry, came out in favor of waiving intellectual property protections for coronavirus vaccines.

Can Employers Require Vaccination

Vaccine hesitancy, misinformation is just part of the problem.

“The Magic of RNA: From CRISPR to Coronavirus Vaccines.” presented by Tom Cech

Current Affairs: Understanding Modern Monetary Theory, April 15, 2021, 11:00

Host: Bob Baker

Discussion Leader: Henry Cavanna

Outline For Discussion on April 15 about Federal Debt and Deficits. Do They Matter?

I. Background of the US Budget 

II. History of National Debt and Budget Deficits 

III. Modern Monetary Theory and the Impact of Debt and Deficits


Federal Spending Charts



Current Affairs: Jim Phillips – Economic Outlook March 18, 2021

CA Host: Bob Baker

Presenter: Jim Phillips

Biden’s American Rescue Plan-Discussion Topics

What will the likely impact be for unemployment from the passage the ARP? 

The US will see improved economic growth in 2021 over 2020.  How much of the growth will be the result of the Covid relief bill?   major or minor impact?

What has been the effect on the size of the workforce due to added amounts to unemployment payments?  Has the workforce been reduced permanently?The bill includes more generous subsidies for health care under the ACA. Childcare tax benefits are for two years. Is it expected they will be made permanent, and at what cost?  

Certain business sectors most burdened by the pandemic are restaurants, travel, entertainment. What is the outlook for the recovery in these sectors?

The ARP contains $10 billion for infrastructure, an almost insignificant amount. Can we expect infrastructure proposals this year for a major amount?

What is the outlook for more regulation? Incentives for climate change? How will it be paid for?

What are expectations for tax hikes on corporate and personal income? Who will be targeted?

Will raising the corporate taxes from 21% to a likely 28% derail the recovery?

What is the likelihood of making cannabis legal at the Federal level under Biden?


2021 Economic Outlook under Biden Administration

2021 Global Economic Outlook _ Morgan Stanley 2_21

2021 stock outlook _ Fidelity

Economic outlook for 2021 _ Fidelity


Biden’s China Policy



First 100 days

Tax Hikes


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