Chairman: Frank DeLeo

Bell Ringing at Palmer’s for Darien Human Services

Raising funds to help needy Darienites by soliciting donations from Palmer’s shoppers at Christmas has been a long-standing DMA tradition.  Due to COVID-19, we couldn’t perform this important service in 2020. Fortunately, we were able to re-start this activity this year with teams of 2 (and one team of 3) ringing a handbell and greeting shoppers on their way in and out of the store on Sunday, December 12 and Monday, December 20. We had 25 people participate, including 3 members who rang on both days as well as a wife and granddaughter who joined their respective DMA members. Thanks to all who helped and to Palmer’s for letting us use their space and leverage their shoppers.

For several reasons, our historical relationship with the Salvation Army for this activity was no longer an option. So, we partnered directly with the Darien Human Services Department (DHS) (who had been our historical benefactor and go-between with the Salvation Army), focusing on their direct funding activities related to housing, energy, food and clothing assistance.  We also had brochures about DHS at our table to help publicize the breadth of services they provide. By partnering directly with DHS, we were able to ensure that the funds raised would go 100% to Darien residents.

We were blessed with good weather on both days (sunny and not too chilly). Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of Darien residents/Palmer’s shoppers (and the warmth and engaging demeanor of our bell ringers – many of whom enhanced the spirit of the season by wearing Santa hats), we raised $1,350 on the 12th and $1,125 on the 20th, for a grand total of $2,475. The DHS Director was thrilled and extremely appreciative since past years’ daily donations were typically in the $400-$800 range. What a great way to re-institute one of our traditional Community Service activities. We not only made a significant contribution to our neighbors, but we also raised the bar for future holiday fund raising at Palmer’s!