Current Affairs: April 27 at 2 p.m. at the DCA and on Zoom. Voting Integrity.

Last year, Current Affairs had a lively discussion on voting rights.

The flip side is voting integrity. Having made a career in accounting for the world’s largest corporations, which requires great accuracy and verifiable data, DMA member and CPA John Wolcott will look first at how our elections’ votes are cast, collected, stored and counted. Disputes in this process have created recent mistrust.

John will then review some possible common sense solutions to ensure that future election counts are less subject to dispute by any party or faction.

You may ask how these might be implemented. Of course, that is part of the debate. Our conversation about John’s analysis and recommendations may lead to some solid findings in that area too.

Join us for a discussion of this timely issue. We should all try to be as well-informed as possible before the next election cycle!

Darien Registrars discuss the chain of custody challenges for early voting at the Board of Selectmen’s Department Heads meeting

Elections should be grounded in evidence, not blind trust


Watch: Black Americans Debunk Liberal Talking Point that Voter ID is ‘Racist’: They’re Ignorant. 

Best Practices and Standards for Election Audits

The Free Consent of the People: Thomas Hooker and the Fundamental Orders

Charter of Connecticut 

“Here’s  the (almost) perfect voting device. More to come”