On Wednesday evening, June 16, the DMA hosted its first annual picnic/cookout in two years. The turnout was monumental – over 230 people enjoyed a beautiful evening together in the picnic grove at Weed Beach. What a wonderful personal gathering to cap off a challenging yet rewarding DMA year. The late spring weather was perfect, the food was delicious, the music was most entertaining and the company was superb.

A huge thank you to Alex Garnett for taking the lead in organizing this affair. His personal reflections are most appropriate: “I would just say that we have come a long way since the days of our wives bringing the food, the time we moved all the furniture from the DCA in a hired truck and also did our own grilling to now having Danny and his Vavala’s staff do all the heavy lifting.

The beauty of this event and our holiday party is that we have so many wonderful people who really care about one another. As we all age, we may slow down a bit but the hugs, smiles and laughter always help to brighten our lives.”

One DMA member, Mark Nunan, was so moved by the perfect weather that the bard in him was inspired to share a short celebratory poem on the occasion:

Not too hot, not too cold

Still – could have rained out

Ya – but Garnett’s got clout

Our day reigned sun, real gold