Mamundi Subhas, a senior vice president at Neuberger Berman, became a volunteer guide at Grant’s tomb on the West Side of Manhattan, where he has now spent more than 500 hours interacting with visitors. In his talk, Subhas will discuss 11 lessons he learned from studying the life of General Grant. Additionally, his research cast doubt on biographies that claimed Grant had problems with alcohol. This seemed incongruous with the character of the man and led Subhas to research Grant’s symptoms and then to write an article in the August 2020 issue of Civil War News. What seemed to observers at the time to be Grant’s “drunken behavior” was probably instead symptoms characteristic of those who suffer from migraine headaches. Subhas will also provide a guide to the architecture of Grant’s tomb, which is a gem.

Please check out the video in which I point out some of these  features.

Video Presentation