
Hyde Leadership Charter School (Bronx, NY) – https://www.hydebronxny.org/ 

Hyde’s mission is to develop the deeper character and unique potential of each student. Using the Hyde process of Family-Based Character Education, Hyde will unite students, families, and teachers in helping each child achieve his or her best. Rigorous learning attitudes, leadership skills, and a social conscience lay the foundation for success in college and fulfillment in life.

How you can contribute: 

Hyde-Bronx needs financial support to be able to provide a college preparatory program that approaches what Darien students receive. The school can often use volunteers, e.g. to read to the youngest children and to help run special programs. There is usually room on the Board of Trustees for an additional, motivated trustee.


DMA Volunteers: 

Cliff van Voorhees led the team that obtained the charter for this school in 2006, then served as the school’s COO and assisted the Board of Trustees. Our late member, Wilder Baker, was an active and dedicated trustee in whose name there is a fund to support alumni in college (90+% of our graduates) with small scholarships when they have trouble buying books or covering other essential expenses. Steve Cary, who has yet to join the DMA but is known to many of us, also served as a trustee for some time, and George Hawes has also been very supportive of the school with his time and resources.