Julia Wade, Domus Director of Volunteers

Julia Wade

Since 1972, Domus has helped thousands of our region’s most vulnerable youth experience success. Domus is the Latin noun for home, which is where our roots are: We opened our doors as a group home for homeless boys and stay in touch with many of them. We also keep home and all its positive connotations in mind as we create loving relationships and warm, loving places to heal from trauma.

Our goal for the young people we serve is to create the conditions necessary for them to get on a path toward health and opportunity so they can engage and succeed in school and ultimately have satisfying and productive lives. Our programs–schools, community programs, and residential programs–lead youth to that path.

In order to help our youth stay in school and catch up academically so they can achieve the important milestone of high school graduation, Domus focuses on three interventions:

  • High-quality remedial academic instruction;
  • Effective out-of-school-time programming;
  • Support in overcoming non-academic barriers to academic success

Domus Core Principles

A United Way Agency Partner