Burdin Hickock

Burdin Hickock

Burdin Hickok will talk about his experiences as Economic Development Section Head, Senior Banking and Finance Advisor, U.S. Department of State, US Embassy; Kirkuk PRT, IRAQ.

From 2008 to 2011, Mr. Hickok was a senior member of the  Kirkuk Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT), which  designed and implemented  over $100 million in development assistance for infrastructure projects.  His accomplishments earned the State Department’s Superior Honor Award, for “sustained, outstanding performance.”

The PRTs in Iraq are civilian-led organizations that partner with the U.S. military and Government of Iraq in the provinces to help create political progress and economic development as a way of providing long-term stability for Iraq.

Kirkuk has been a particularly important province due to its status as a disputed province between Kurds and Arabs. Outside of the Oil & Gas industry, agriculture and agribusiness comprise over 80% of the economic activity in Kirkuk province.

Prior to his State Department assignment, Mr. Hickock had a long career in global capital markets as an investment strategist and fixed-income trader on Wall Street.  He will describe some of his team’s successes in a presentation entitled, “Planting Seeds of Hope: Stories of U.S. Success in Iraq.

Contact: M. Skala