51uD-j-dGZL._AA160_Kent Haydock will lead our DMA book discussion for September. The chosen selection is A Higher Call by Adam Makos.

On December 20, 1943, two enemy pilots met in the skies over Germany—an American, Charlie Brown—and a German, Franz Stigler. What transpired would be called: “WWII’s most incredible aerial encounter.” Now, for the first time, A Higher Call tells the complete story of Charlie and Franz’s WWII experiences, their gritty tales of aerial combat over the African desert, the seas of Sicily, the fog of England, and the ultimate battleground—the frozen skies of Germany. The library will have copies of the book available on or about August 1st.

The meeting will be held on at the Darien Library in the Harris Room on the 2nd floor beginning at 12:30 p.m.