Gordon G. Chang, a lawyer, author, television pundit, and will speak on the current status of the USA relationship with China.

Gordon writes primarily on China, Asia, and nuclear proliferation and believes we will see discontinuous change around the world in the near future, so he is not into making long-range personal plans. He is author of two books, The Coming Collapse of China and Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes On the World. Gordon is a contributor to Forbes and on December 9, 2012 published an article in Forbes titled Move Over, Michigan, China Is The World’s Next Rust Belt.

Gordon is best known for his book The Coming Collapse of China (2001), in which he argued that the hidden non-performing loans of the “Big Four” Chinese State banks would likely bring down China’s financial system and its communist government and China would collapse in 2006.

He is a regular contributor to The John Batchelor Show, The Glenn Beck Program on Fox News, and CNN. He also appeared as a special guest on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with Jon Stewart in 2006. In February 2010, he appeared on Al Jazeera English and argued that China does not have a lot of economic leverage over the US, and it is actually the other way around. In November 2010, he appeared on Imus in the Morning to discuss the Yeonpyeong bombing.