See a slide show of Ron’s presentation. Download a PDF file of Ron’s presentation.

Ron’s talk will be on “Medicare Decision Making–Choosing and Using Your Coverage Wisely”. While this will be a presentation, it will also have an interactive element.  Since virtually every member of the audience will have had some contact with Medicare, questions and comments–both during and after the talk will be encouraged.

Ron practiced dermatology in Norwalk for 34 years and has a long interest in how seniors utilize Medicare, an insurance system unlike any other (it’s a patchwork created by Congress over many years). He is presently writing a book on mastering Medicare and today’s health care system.

Ron received his BA degree in psychology from Yale in 1967 and served his residency in dermatology at Harvard Combined Hospitals. He was an Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Yale.

He set up his practice in 1977 at the Dermatology Center in Norwalk and also served on the Norwalk Hospital staff.

Ron retired from his dermatology practice in March 2012 and joined the SMA in the fall of 2012.