
The DCA  Darien Community Association is a privately-funded nonprofit that does not receive any financial support from the Town of Darien. Since 1923 we’ve been making our community a nicer place to live, by providing people of all ages a place to gather, give and learn.

The Darien Men’s Association is legally organized under the DCA.  They use the DCA as a meeting venue as well as for support services.

How you can contribute:

Since its inception in 1923, the DCA has relied on our hardworking volunteers, who enjoy contributing to our mission, and impacting the Darien community in a positive way. Over 150 volunteers support the many facets of our organization. Access the DCA website for information as to current volunteering opportunities.

Become a member.  It supports a great organization as well as getting you discounts to their great programs such as the Academic Lecture Series.

The DCA Thrift Shop was founded in 1931 to supply clothing and food to families in need, and offer employment for women during the Depression. Today’s shop offers a wide assortment of merchandise including jewelry, books, home furnishings, accessories and more, all at Thrift Shop prices.  Volunteer or donate.

DMA Volunteers:

John Schlachtenhaufen

Tom Taylor

DMA supports the DCA.  There are 308 members in DMA directory 2019-2020.  Among them are

  • 9 DCA Individual memberships
  • 38 Family memberships
  • 7 Supporting Family memberships
  • 18 wives only members