The second annual golf tournament between DMA and the Senior Men’s Club of New Canaan (SMNC) was held at the Silvermine Golf Club on Wednesday, June 26th. I am pleased to inform you that DMA atoned for our loss last year and emerged with an 18.5 – 11.5 victory. The Silvermine Cup will now be domiciled in its rightful home at DMA for the next year. Our own Terry Brewer won the Long Drive contest, and hit an amazing shot to also win the Closest to the Pin contest (1’6”).
[camera slideshow=”2013-golf”]
We would not have won the tournament without the active participation of our better golfers. I am particularly grateful to the following members of the 2013 DMA Golf Team:
- Tom Lom
- Chris Filmer
- Fred Conze
- Terry Brewer
- Joe Holmes
- Doug Campbell
- Woody Woodworth
- Ben Briggs
- Austin Schraff
- Kevin Monahan
- Gunnar Edelstein
- Mike Brennan
- Tom Hayne
- Alex Garnett
- Peter Carnes
- George Gilliam
- David Mace
- Bob Baker
- Denny Devere
- Doug Pratt.
Special thanks are due to Alex Garnett and Tom Lom for their invaluable assistance in helping me recruit and organize the DMA Golf Team.
Here are pictures of the DMA Golf Team
and the DMA and SMNC Golf Teams together.
The series now stands at one victory for each team. I fully expect SMNC to field a stronger team next year in an attempt to win back the Silvermine Cup. As a result, we will need all of our best players to answer the call in 2014. The trophy and team members will be introduced at the first DMA meeting in September.
Enjoy the remainder of the summer!
Best regards,
Denny Devere